Sunday, 23 Feb 2025

Category: Fashion

The Balenciaga Fashion Label

Home of Balenciaga began by Cristobal Balenciaga as soon as 1918. The very first boutique was resides in The country, after which expanded directly into Madrid and Barcelona. The designs were worn through the greatest degree of society in The country, by the Spanish royal family. The style house was forced overseas, and into Paris, […]

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The Hippie Movement and it is Effects on Modern Fashion

The hippie movement from the 1960’s continues to be felt today and among its long lasting marks showing itself within the world of fashion. Many modern designers incorporate the design and style prominent throughout the hippie movement. This really is apparent in materials used for example hemp and distressed fabric so frequently observed in the […]

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70S Fashion

The generation of party-goers throughout the 70s loved it loud, big and crazy. They wanted their parties to become very flashy and ridiculously phenomenal. They produced dance moves which were usually associated with that decade like the famous hustle, the bump, electric slide, etc. Imagine people rocking these moves within their big flouncing flared shirts […]

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